Our dedicated team provides high-resolution HLA typing to transplant centers, clinicians, and research experts worldwide. Our team covers all relevant steps from sample receipt to sample preparation, sequencing, and analysis up to compilation of diagnostic reports. We take utmost care to achieve the most accurate results at the highest level of resolution for each sample. That includes samples for clinical studies. However, the primary focus is patient and donor samples for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation either as primary typing or for verification/confirmation typing.
We use state-of-the-art assays and technologies to deliver the highest quality reports. We have gained ample experience in applying Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) for HLA genotyping. In addition, we perform pre-transplant diagnostics such as antibody testing and crossmatching using a wide range of methods. We regularly participate in various proficiency tests with corresponding assessments to demonstrate our compliance with the highest quality requirements. Our clinical laboratory is accredited according to the standards of EFI.
The mission of our search unit is to find the best matching stem cell donor for each patient, regardless of origin. When receiving a search request, our WMDA-certified search coordinators create a list of the best-matched unrelated donors. For this purpose, we use the international stem cell donor registry "Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide" (BMDW) with appropriate search software. The expertise of our search coordinators allows them to advise requesting transplant centers or clinicians and provide recommendations on donor selection. We work closely together with the DKMS Registry and the Central Bone Marrow Donor Registry of Germany (ZKRD).
Responsible persons: Monika Fuessel, Ph.D. (head of department, EFI and ASHI director); Doreen Nitsche (search coordinator), Heike Platz (search coordinator)